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How to Access and Monitor Your MIPS Scores and Submissions

Written by Jessica Peterson | Feb 4, 2022

How do you view your MIPS final scores, payment adjustments, and submissions data? The answer is easy – use HARP. 

HARP stands for the CMS HCQIS Access Roles and Profile (HARP). Not only does this portal allow you to review your MIPS submissions and adjustments, but it is also where you can submit hardship applications and targeted reviews.

To log in to the portal you will need to use or create HARP account with CMS. Note that all users must now use two-factor identification, which may involve an automated phone call.

If you are a new user: Go to the HARP registration page and complete the registration form to create an account.

  • Registration should take 5 to 15 minutes, according to CMS.
  • HARP uses a third-party service provided by Experian to verify user identities.
  • To complete account setup, users need to log into HARP and set up two-factor authentication.

Connect to an organization

  • To do this, log into the portal and click on “Manage Access” on the left-hand side of the screen
  • Click “Connect to Organization” or “Connect to another organization”
  • If you are a clinician and are not managing your practice’s MIPS submissions, connect as a clinician.
    • On the next screen, select the “Individual Clinician” organization type
    • After this, you will go through identity verification steps.
  • If you are a staff member, practice representative, or in charge of MIPS reporting for your practice
    • Select your organization type (Practice, APM, Registry, or Virtual Group)
    • After selecting your organization type, you will go through steps to search for and select your specific organization.
    • Once you have confirmed your organization, you will select either Security Official or Staff User as the user type you are requesting for that organization
      • The main difference between the Security Official role and the Staff User role is that Security Officials are responsible for approving (or denying) role requests from additional users for their organization. If you are the only Security Official for your organization, you will be responsible for approving all role requests.
    • After you complete these steps, you will receive an email notification that your request has been received
    • Once your request is approved, you will also receive email confirmation.

For more information, see the CMS Quality Payment Program User Access Guide (zip file), or, for a video walking you through the HARP registration process, visit the CMS HARP YouTube Playlist.

Once you have logged into your HARP account and connected to your organization(s), you will be able to use the left-hand navigation to use all of the features HARP has to offer.


If you have trouble connecting to an organization or logging into your practice's account, or if your role request remains in pending state or you do not receive a notification that your organization’s Security Official reviewed your role request, it could be because your practice's HARP Security Official has left the practice without transferring the role. Here are the steps you should follow to troubleshoot:

  • If you don't have the User ID or password, attempt to recover it using either (or both) the User ID and Password recovery links on that page.
  • If you are unable to recover, and no one else in the practice has access, call 1-866-288-8292 (option 1), they will ask for your name, phone number, email, and role. They will ask for the TIN and name of practice as well. Let them know that you are trying to determine who the Security Official is for your practice, so that they can approve access to the TIN to review the feedback reports.
  • Once you have the name of the Security Official, if they are still with your practice you can ask them to repeat steps 1-3 to get logged in. If they are no longer with your practice:
    • If you are one of our clients, let us know and we can process a purge of them on our end.
    • If you are not one of our clients, contact the Quality Payment Program by phone at 1-866-288-8292 (option 1) or email

Next Steps

  • Check to see if you have a HARP account. If not, make one.
  • Ensure you are connected, with the appropriate role, to all of your organizations.
  • Contact your Client Success Manager if you have any questions. 
  • If you’re not a MarsdenAdvisors client and you want hands-on, personalized assistance, contact us and we will have your back.

If you want hands-on, personalized assistance, contact us and we will have your back.